Blue Pig Studio Gallery

Blue Pig Gallery

Blue Pig Studio Gallery

Welcome to the Blue Pig Gallery ~ this is a unique and exciting venue in which to buy affordable, contemporary artworks alongside unusual gifts and craft supplies.

All the artworks are originals by Jane Harlington, ranging from realistic landscape through to more cubist inspired pieces based on memory and experience.

The silk scarves painted in the workshop make excellent gifts for friends and family and are especially popular for sending overseas. Jane works to commission and is able to include lettering within the overall design, making the finished product beautifully bespoke.

Blue Pig Studio Gallery other products at present, include a range of stained glass panels, glass brooches and silk necklaces.

More unusual odds and ends include hand-made seaweed paper, “treasure bags” of beads and collage pieces, variety bags of coloured yarns and project packs designed in house especially to tempt creativity.

New! the Tiny and Blue Bothy and Wee Food cupboard behind Blue Pig Studio Gallery

Opening times: All Year but not Sundays.

Please call by anytime, there is always a warm welcome at the Blue Pig Studio. The Blue Pig Studio, is in Upper Carloway, Isle of Lewis in the Western Isles. At the Carloway Bridge take the Garenin Blackhouse Village turning, the studio is approximately 200 yards along this road.

Jane Tel: 01851 643225

Upper Carloway. Isle of Lewis. HS2 9AG.

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All visitors welcome!